How to make a payment?
Step 1: Registration (Already registered? You can skip this step.)
1.1: Register.

- Fill in your Full Name (as per IC), email address in the text input given.
- Select your preschool in the Preschool dropdown given.
- Enter your secret password in the 'Password' text input. Make sure your password length is more than 6 characters.
- Enter your secret password again in the 'Confirm Password' text input.
- Click the 'Register' button to register your profile into the system.
- The system will send you a verification mail in your email address.
1.2 Email verification.

- Click the 'Verify Email Address' button to verify.
1.3 Login

- Enter your email and password into the text input provided.
- Click the 'Login' button to log in to the site.
Step 2: Complete The User Profile.
2.1: Dashboard notification

- To complete the user profile, click the 'User Profile' link on the task to complete the notification section.
2.2: Fill in information.

- Fill in your information in the text input given on the user profile page.
2.4: Information saved.

- Click 'Update Profile' to save your information on the system.
Step 3: Terms & Conditions Agreement.
3.1: Terms & conditions agreement.

- Click the 'Agreement' link to go to the T&C page.
- Read the terms & conditions provided on the page.
3.2: Agree to terms & conditions.

- Clicked the checkbox near the 'AGREE TO TERMS & CONDITIONS' to agree on the terms.
- Click the 'Submit' button to complete the T&C agreement.
Step 4: Register a Child.
4.1: Children page.

- From the left side of the screen, click the 'Children' menu button to go to the Children page.
- On the Children page, to register a child, click the 'Add Child' button to register a child.
4.2: Register Child.

- In the Add Child page, fill in your child information into the text input provided on the page.
- Click the 'Submit' button to add your child's information into the system.
- You will be redirected to the Children page and a newly registered child will be listed on the page.
Step 5: Make a Payment.
5.1: Invoice notification.

- You will receive an invoice to your email address.
- To make a payment, you can click on the link labeled 'Invoice #' followed by invoice number or log in to our Kindygo site.
5.2: Make a payment.

- On the Dashboard page, an outstanding invoice will be available once the latest invoice emails to you.
- Click the 'Pay' button to proceed to the Payment page.
5.3: Select payment method.

- To make a payment, select your desired payment method on the 'Payment Method' section and click the 'Pay' button to make a payment.
- The payment method 'Online Banking (FPX) & Credit Card Payment with Billplz' will redirect you to the Billplz page to complete your payment.
5.4: Payment completed.

- You will be redirected back to the Kindygo site once the payment has been completed.