How to make a payment?

Step 1: Registration (Already registered? You can skip this step.)

1.1: Register.
  1. Fill in your Full Name (as per IC), email address in the text input given.
  2. Select your preschool in the Preschool dropdown given.
  3. Enter your secret password in the 'Password' text input. Make sure your password length is more than 6 characters.
  4. Enter your secret password again in the 'Confirm Password' text input.
  5. Click the 'Register' button to register your profile into the system.
  6. The system will send you a verification mail in your email address.
1.2 Email verification.
  1. Click the 'Verify Email Address' button to verify.
1.3 Login
  1. Enter your email and password into the text input provided.
  2. Click the 'Login' button to log in to the site.

Step 2: Complete The User Profile.

2.1: Dashboard notification
  1. To complete the user profile, click the 'User Profile' link on the task to complete the notification section.
2.2: Fill in information.
  1. Fill in your information in the text input given on the user profile page.
2.4: Information saved.
  1. Click 'Update Profile' to save your information on the system.

Step 3: Terms & Conditions Agreement.

3.1: Terms & conditions agreement.
  1. Click the 'Agreement' link to go to the T&C page.
  2. Read the terms & conditions provided on the page.
3.2: Agree to terms & conditions.
  1. Clicked the checkbox near the 'AGREE TO TERMS & CONDITIONS' to agree on the terms.
  2. Click the 'Submit' button to complete the T&C agreement.

Step 4: Register a Child.

4.1: Children page.
  1. From the left side of the screen, click the 'Children' menu button to go to the Children page.
  2. On the Children page, to register a child, click the 'Add Child' button to register a child.
4.2: Register Child.
  1. In the Add Child page, fill in your child information into the text input provided on the page.
  2. Click the 'Submit' button to add your child's information into the system.
  3. You will be redirected to the Children page and a newly registered child will be listed on the page.

Step 5: Make a Payment.

5.1: Invoice notification.
  1. You will receive an invoice to your email address.
  2. To make a payment, you can click on the link labeled 'Invoice #' followed by invoice number or log in to our Kindygo site.
5.2: Make a payment.
  1. On the Dashboard page, an outstanding invoice will be available once the latest invoice emails to you.
  2. Click the 'Pay' button to proceed to the Payment page.
5.3: Select payment method.
  1. To make a payment, select your desired payment method on the 'Payment Method' section and click the 'Pay' button to make a payment.
  2. The payment method 'Online Banking (FPX) & Credit Card Payment with Billplz' will redirect you to the Billplz page to complete your payment.
5.4: Payment completed.
  1. You will be redirected back to the Kindygo site once the payment has been completed.